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Dual-Axis Transfer Cavity

Discover our two-axis, non-confocal Fabry-Perot optical cavity in UHV.

compact design

vaccuum compatible

thermally & acoustically stable


The AOS-Cav-λR12 is a two-axis, non-confocal Fabry-Perot optical cavity in UHV for stabilization transfer from a reference laser with wavelength lR (e.g., rubidium-stabilized 780 nm laser) to disparate laser wavelengths (e.g., for atomic ion laser cooling) either by offset Pound-Drever-Hall locking or scanning transfer technique. The target finesse is >1,000 for all wavelengths. Device includes electrical feedthrough/interface for PZTs, thermistor, and heating element for temperature stabilization. An ion pump controller is not included.


Model No.AOS-Cav-XXR-XX1 -XX2
AOS-Cav-XXR-369 -493, AOS-Cav-XXR-369 -650, AOS-Cav-XXR-369 -780, AOS-Cav-XXR-369 -935, AOS-Cav-XXR-780 -493, AOS-Cav-XXR-780 -650, AOS-Cav-XXR-780 -780, AOS-Cav-XXR-780 -935


Dual-Axis Transfer Cavity
Dimensions3 × 4 × 6 in

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