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Integrated Laser Controller (ILC)

Discover our compact Integrated Laser Controller (ILC) that can be paired with our External Cavity Diode Lasers (ECDLs) to control laser current, piezo transducer (PZT), and temperature.

compact design

ultra-low noise electronics

fully digitally

software with
easy-to-use GUI

AOSense has developed a compact Integrated Laser Controller (ILC) that can be paired with our External Cavity Diode Lasers (ECDLs) to control laser current, piezo transducer (PZT), and temperature. The ultra-low noise electronics are fully digitally controlled. The ILC dimensions are only 5″x2.9″x0.95″. We provide software with an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) that can control multiple lasers from a single window. If preferred, commands may be sent over a USB virtual COM port. The software screenshot below (click the image to enlarge) shows the interface including a plot of the temperature (green line) as it settles to a commanded value.


Model No.
AOS-ILC-P-X00X = 1, 2, 4, 5


ECDL Controller
Dimensions (LxWxH)Compact: 5.4″x2.9″x0.95″
Current range100 mA/200 mA
Current resolution10 μA
Laser current noise100 pA/√Hz
Laser current mod DC coupledDC-10 MHz
Laser current mod AC coupled0.5-50 MHz
PZT range150 V
PZT noise<500 nV√Hz
PZT modulationDC-5 kHz
PZT/Current FFWDYes, variable gain
TEC range15-40 C
Temperature resolution1 mK
Control interfaceUSB
Memory (serial number, safety limits, operation)NVRAM, in controller
Power supply+5 V DC
Power consumption6 W typical (10 W start)
Software Interface
Multi-laser supportYes, up to 10
Auto limitsYes
Laser controlThermal, LD current, PZT
Detail settings (TEC PID, FFWD gain, port enable)Yes
Data loggingPlots and CSV export
Application Programming Interface (API)Yes, via virtual COM port
GUI operating systemWindows 7, 8, or 10

Related products

Our External Cavity Diode Lasers (ECDLs) work perfectly with our ILC and SILC controllers.

Our SILC has all the functionality of the ILC, plus makes it easy to lock the laser to an atomic line or reference cavity.

Contact us

Contact us to discuss your applications or to request a quote.